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Do you have a special talent or ability? Maybe you are awesome at singing, playing an instrument, cooking or even teaching. God blesses us all with a wide variety of unique and special skills. These blessings are to serve Him and others to build up His church. Are you using your gifts to glorify God or are you keeping them to yourself for personal gain?

God blessed Samson with great abilities of strength but he often used the gifts of the Lord selfishly. During a battle, Samson used the jawbone of a donkey as a weapon combined with his great strength to kill many men. When the intense fighting was over, Samson immediately began to boast about himself and his own prideful victory.

Then Samson said, “With a donkey’s jawbone I have made donkeys of them. With a donkey’s jawbone I have killed a thousand men.” – Judges 15:16

This victory was not in the weapon, not in the hand or even the man. The victory was in the Spirit of God alone, which moved the weapon by the hand of the man. We often take our spiritual gifts for granted and never use them to serve the Lord. By doing this, we become selfish and careless which eventually leads to defeat and loss in the end.

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. – 1 Peter 4:10

Samson actually made a donkey out of himself! His careless actions with the jawbone should serve as a reminder to us all. Use your spiritual gifts to serve God because the reward of salvation and forgiveness through Christ is triumphant. Our battles are won and the victory will always belong to Him.

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