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Immediately, because Herod did not give praise to God, an angel of the Lord struck him down, and he was eaten by worms and died. – Acts 12:23

Because of his riches and power, King Herod’s followers praised and flattered him. The king’s arrogance convinced himself that he had became a god. His sinful pride and vanity got the best of him and death was his only reward.

When anyone selfishly thinks of themselves as “self-made” or brag about how they achieved goals on their own, they are falling in to the same devastating mistake. All good things come from above and God is always there helping. If we fail to give praise to the one who provides, we too will fall into the same tragedy.

Comments (3)

  1. I wish I could draw /
    But I love art , & scripture
    & video.
    I am dyslexic & we adopted a special needs kiddo who can’t read so maybe my passion for the a visualization of scripture is to help our kiddo! I’d love to see your work/ & I’ll send you mine 🙂 (just font ontop
    Of other art.
    His bless
    Thank you for your ministry 
    MaryBeth W Gunther
    Worship leader /Original Music found:

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